Thursday, October 14, 2010

Adding Item Quantity

I had to test order import process and i needed to create multiple orders for multiple items. In our test system there was not enough item quantity available, so i used following script to add item qunatity as 'Miscellaneous receipt'. This script worked fine for me. All the records added to material transaction interface, will get picked by next execution of concurrent program 'Process transaction interface'. If this program is not scheduled to run then it can be executed using 'Inventory' Responsibility and select Setup -> Transaction Managers. Select 'Material transaction' and then hit Tools -> Launch Manager. It will start 'Process transaction interface'. DECLARE -- l_code_loc VARCHAR2(90); l_org_id MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.organization_id % TYPE; l_locator_id MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS.inventory_location_id % TYPE; l_trx_type_id MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES.transaction_type_id % TYPE; l_gl_acct MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES.material_account % TYPE; l_sub_inventory MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES.secondary_inventory_name % TYPE; l_sub_inv MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES.secondary_inventory_name % TYPE; -- -- This cursor get list of item for qunatity addition. This -- query could be modified to select just a single item too -- CURSOR c_items IS SELECT inventory_item_id, segment1 , segment2 , segment3 FROM mtl_system_items_b a , vvinv_styles b WHERE a.segment1 LIKE &seq1 AND segment2 LIKE &seg2 AND segment3 LIKE &seg3 AND a.default_shipping_org = l_org_id AND a.organization_id = l_org_id AND a.customer_order_enabled_flag = 'Y' AND a.segment1 = b.style_code AND b.advanced_order_flag = 'N' AND ROWNUM = 1 ;BEGIN l_org_id := &org_id ; l_sub_inv := &sub_inv; -- -- l_code_loc := 'Get transaction type id'; SELECT transaction_type_id INTO l_trx_type_id FROM mtl_transaction_types WHERE transaction_type_name = 'Miscellaneous receipt' ; -- -- Get inventory name and account -- l_code_loc := 'Get inventory name'; SELECT secondary_inventory_name, material_account INTO l_sub_inventory , l_gl_acct FROM MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES WHERE secondary_inventory_name = l_sub_inv ; -- -- Get Item location -- l_code_loc := 'Get item location'; SELECT inventory_location_id INTO l_locator_id FROM mtl_item_locations WHERE subinventory_code = l_sub_inventory AND disable_date IS NULL AND enabled_flag = 'Y' AND ROWNUM = 1 ; -- -- Loop through item cursor and add record for each item -- l_code_loc := 'For Loop'; FOR l_rec IN c_items LOOP INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface ( source_code , source_line_id , source_header_id , process_flag , transaction_mode , last_update_date , last_updated_by , creation_date , created_by , inventory_item_id , organization_id , transaction_quantity , transaction_uom , transaction_date , subinventory_code , locator_id , transaction_type_id , distribution_account_id ) VALUES ( 'Manual' --SOURCE_CODE, , 11 --SOURCE_LINE_ID, , 11 --SOURCE_HEADER_ID, , 1 --PROCESS_FLAG, , 3 --TRANSACTION_MODE, , SYSDATE --LAST_UPDATE_DATE, , -1 --LAST_UPDATED_BY, , SYSDATE --CREATION_DATE, , -1 --CREATED_BY, , l_rec.inventory_item_id --INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, , l_org_id --ORGANIZATION_ID, , 25 --TRANSACTION_QUANTITY, , 'EA' --TRANSACTION_UOM, , SYSDATE --TRANSACTION_DATE, , l_sub_inventory --SUBINVENTORY_CODE, , l_locator_id --LOCATOR_ID, , l_trx_type_id --TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID , l_gl_acct ) ; END LOOP;EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Error Encountered at ' l_code_loc); dbms_output.put_line('Error :'SQLERRM);END;

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